Collectibles in the Garden

September 14, 2020

Collectibles in the Garden

Peruse our entire garden collection.  Video Translation: Hi, this is Jennifer here with City Farmhouse Antiques and I am here with this week's find of the week and because, of course, I can't stay out of the garden I always have all kinds of fun home decor and garden pieces on these videos for finds of the week and this week we are back out in the garden which is my favorite place to be. At some point you have to quit.  The problem is, is everything I find...oh I like this better than what I had last year, or oh I found this to put in the shop and I have to have one too and this is starting to become a problem. Last year when I brought a bunch of frogs and dogs I had seen these little cuties., but they were not available for purchase. They don't have to be a set, but they can be. I have thought about them for an entire year and when you see them you will understand why. I think I want a set, but now I don't know where to put a set because I have all these other frogs that I couldn't live without that I had put in the shop.  I didn't even collect frogs to begin with. I collect dogs, but now I am a frog collector too. Anyway, I absolutely love these.  Look how cute she is. Isn't she cute. That is a tutu. I have never seen a frog with a tutu. Now, you think she is cute, here is her little friend. Look how cute they are. This one stands about two feet tall and I don't know if you can see it, but it is kind of like a pink, terracotta dress and then she's got a little green sash around her tutu and she is just standing there holding her tutu. Really you could even use her as a bird feeder. It is probably not deep enough to use as a bird bath, but you could use it as a bird feeder, but she is so cute!  She is about 24 inches tall and this little one here you can see she is doing her ballet and she has her little hands spread apart and you could use this one as a bird feeder too. Although that is pretty low to the ground. They both are. You would have to watch out for cats, but look how cute she is. They are just adorable as a set. I don't know, that is the last thing I need is more frogs, but I just may have to have a set for me. I will have these cute little girls listed up on the website where we have more than just antiques and for those of you that like to collect frogs check out our website. I am warning you, there are some cute ones on there. You are going to find them irresistible. Talk to you soon. Have a great week. Be sure to check out all of our collectibles for the garden at where we have more than just antiques and go give us a like on Facebook. Remember, you can give garden collectibles all year long if you are looking for a gift for the gardener in your life. Tell us what you collect. Tell us what you like to put in the garden.

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