Isn't He Cute?

November 13, 2021

Isn't He Cute?

Find our entire collection of porcelain sculptures. Video Transcription: Hi this is Jennifer here with City Farmhouse Antiques and I am here with this week's find of the week. As you can see this is another piece by the famous artist Sergio Bustamante. Those of you that follow me and have seen my previous video on this artist know that he is quite the artist with very unusual pieces. Your next hint is that little foot here. Those of you that know me, know that I love turtles. I have a bunch of turtles that come and go out in the yard. I have planted blackberry bushes for them and in the summer they wait in between the container garden pots for me to come out the back door and then come running as soon as they see me. They are so cute with their little burgundy rose colored cheeks. So, therefore, I could not resist this piece! Those of you that know about Sergio Bustamante know that he is a very unique artist that produces folk art type pieces and this one is no different. This is a ridiculous little piece but I went out on a limb and just couldn't live without it. It is a ceramic sculpture of a little turtle on a toilet. How cute is that? You are never going to see that again anywhere. Those of us that love turtles get it. I just found him irresistible. We definitely know by looking at all the books around him...look at all the detail on his head, the white speck in his eye, his fingernails. You can see over there the little toilet paper dispenser. He has several books stacked here so we know ladies that this definitely is not a little girl turtle. We do not have this kind of time. So this little guy is hunkered in here for however long he is going to be on the toilet and he is just adorable. I wanted to share this piece with you. The detail on this piece is incredible just like all of his works. Here you can see the back of his shell. Sergio Bustamante is a Mexican artist and was born in the state of Sinaloa. He was an orphan as a child but his grandfather ended up raising him. His grandfather, Jose Chong, Chinese, had to change his surname to Chavez to avoid being deported which is a very interesting part of his childhood story. As a little boy at the age of 9 Sergio was living in Guadalajara and was already painting. He later went to the University of Guadalajara where he focused on Fine Art. His grandfather continued to be a great inspiration to his work and really shaped the artist he became. As a child he and his grandfather would go to the market each morning and he would buy him a little toy that he would search for. This seemed to create a type of fantasy for Sergio. A lot of his works are inspired by that time in his life and he produces very different looking creatures doing surreal types of things making his sculptures very non-conventional and fantasy like which is his trademark as an artist. He is still producing sculptures and bronzes today. If you go to Puerta Vallarta  in Mexico you will see his work. I would love to see one of his bronze sculptures that he is well known for that stands on the pier titled En Busca de la Razon meaning in search of reason. It is one of his most well known pieces and people that travel from all over the world and visit Puerta Vallarta take pictures next to it. It is a 30 ft ladder with a mother standing at the base whose two children have climbed the ladder and she is begging for them to come down. It would really be something to see. I love his work. His pieces of art are most definitely conversation pieces and I had to buy this one for the store. This little guy will be up on the website at where we always have more than just antiques. Tell us if you are a turtle collector too.  If you have turtles share with us what kind and don't forget to go give us a like on Facebook. Have a great rest of the week.

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