Added Privacy in the Garden & Hanging Container Garden Ideas

June 12, 2020

Added Privacy in the Garden & Hanging Container Garden Ideas

Visit our online garden collection. Video Translation: This is Jennifer here with City Farmhouse Antiques and I am here with this week's Find of the week. I wanted to show you this cute idea for added privacy in the patio. We have these galvanized metal vintage style buckets. You can see here that they have a design on the front, but what I wanted to show you too is a privacy wall that I had built using two antique doors. I took two antique doors....let me go out here to see if you can see it better. There are two antique doors with the paint chipping off and you can see the antique rusted handles and the locks. I wanted it to be like a privacy screen. Let me get farther away so you can see it. There you can get a better idea of how I did it. There you can see the privacy screen there and then I have my flowers planted down below. You can hang these. They look really cool hung and I am going to run my sprinkler tubing around the top of them to water the flowers. I just put those geraniums in there to give you an idea. You can see I put these doors together and then used these baskets to accent them. They are quite charming I think and super cute. There you can see them a little better. Our little shipping manager has come out to join us and he is on guard. That is our find of the week. These galvanized buckets are on our website at where we have more than just antiques and be sure and go over and give us a like on Facebook.

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